Daisy on the kitchen cabinet,
goldfinches on the feeder,
honey bees on the hive…
What a good day for just hangin’ around.
So why am I sitting here editing a doctoral dissertation for somebody?
“…because she’s paying you to do something you love doing…”
Oh! Right! Thanks for the reminder.
Okay, so now I, too, am hangin’ around—editing, and enjoying it thoroughly. Anyway, it’s cooler inside here than it is out there where the bees and the birds are.
BEEattitude for Day # 267:
Blessed are those who do work they love, for they shall hang around happily.
The teeny details:
my books: http://www.franstewart.com
my eBooks on Amazon for Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=Fran+Stewart
my eBooks on Smashwords (for all other formats): http://www.smashwords.com/books/search?query=Fran+Stewart
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