Friday, October 21, 2011

Day #374 Daisy's Hidey Hole

Bees can’t fly when their wings are wet, so a long-lasting rainstorm can be something of a disaster for a hive. A bee caught out in a rainstorm must take shelter right away, perhaps under a large leaf or in a handy hole in a tree trunk.

That may be why bees tend to get a bit cranky when the skies cloud over. Do they take the risk of flying out and possibly being trapped by the rain? Do they stay home and bypass a chance to bring in more food for the hive? Decisions, decisions.
Indoor cats never get into such a quandary.  One particular indoor cat, though, is fascinated by umbrellas and will sit for half an hour at a time under one that is spread out to dry, even when the human with whom she shares her house lies down on the floor in front of her to take this picture.

BEEattitude for Day # 374:
       Blessed are those who make the most of their circumstances, for they shall BEE contented.


AggiePete said...

What a great photo! Our feline children (and little fuzzy ones too) never cease to amaze us!

Fran Stewart said...

Glad you liked the picture, Petie. I was astounded that Daisy, who usually bounes everywhere all day long (between naps), stayed statue-like for such a long time. She'd already been there for a quarter of an hour before I thought to take the photo. And she stayed there a long time afterwards.