Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day #392 Spit

I walked down to my backyard creek the other day and pulled out a ripped plastic bag and a broken plastic action figure. I can remember a time when I could drink from streams when my family went on camping trips. Not anymore. Those same streams now are liable to contain oils, bottles, cans, soggy paper, and cigarette butts, as well as pesticide and fertilizer residue from lawns.

People and bees need water for survival. Bees drink a lot of water. If their water sources are polluted, the bees suffer accordingly.

H2O. Twice as much hydrogen as oxygen, plus vital trace minerals. Wouldn’t it be nice if water stayed like that?

In a totally unrelated vein—related only in the fact that spit contain water—I found myself wondering what would happen if eBooks took over the world of publishing. Not that I think that will happen; it was just an idle thought. When people turn page after page of a print book, they almost invariably get to the point where they have to moisten their finger to provide some page-turning traction.

With eBooks, the moisture is not necessary.

What this has to do with anything, I have no idea. Just figured I’d throw the thought out there and see where it fell.

BEEattitude for Day # 392:
       Blessed are those who care about where their spit lands, for they shall have a cleaner world.
The teeny details:
my books:  http://www.franstewart.com Please buy them from an independent bookstore or directly from my website.
my eBooks for Kindle:  http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=Fran+Stewart
my eBooks on Smashwords (for all other formats):  http://www.smashwords.com/books/search?query=Fran+Stewart


AggiePete said...

Here at the office I have to go through lots & lots of papers, books, invoices etc & I ALWAYS think of who has handled it before me ... haven't licked my finger in a long long time!!!

Fran Stewart said...

Good Point! I do a major handwashing when I volunteer at the school libraries or when I read library books. Or books of mine that I've loaned out to others.

My own well-loved books, though, could probably be used for DNA testing in case I ever need to be positively identified...