There was ice on the bird feeder this morning, but it wasn’t very thick. I have to admit I have no idea how honey bees, birds, or small animals of any sort manage to make it through long cold winters.
I think I’ve gotten awfully spoiled living in Georgia. Of course, in exchange for mild weather, I’ve given up being able to see the stars at night. Sometimes I think it’s worth it. Sometimes I don’t.
BEEattitude for Day #498:
Blessed are those who help the birds, for they shall see joyous feathered flights.
Ice this morning? It's in the 60s here right now - pretty pleasant I guess but I remember some Ash Wednesdays being bundled up! And have certainly seen some little fuzzies this week here. Yesterday saw 2 here at the office - God love them - busy about their own business!
I don't mind occasional ice or frost. I used to hate it when a friend from Atlanta would call us in Vermont and brag about the weather, which was ALWAYS warmer than what we were experiencing. Of course, we never had to mow our grass between late September and mid-May. Instead, we could warm our tooshes next to the wood stove. Ahhh!
Here I am surrounded by office workers that HATE any form of cool weather. I just remind them July & August are right around the corner (maxed out at about 115+ last summer!). At least when I'm cold I can put something extra ON ...
Don't think I could take 115 degrees. I'd rather be able to walk outside most of the year -- and leave the windows open, too.
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