Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve been afraid of horses. They’re pretty big, and I worry that they might step on me. Or bite me.
But, just as I learned that around bees I simply need to take precautions and I’ll be safe, I think it’s time for me to learn the same thing around horses. I know a woman, a psychotherapist, who does incredible therapeutic work using horses as – well, strange as it sounds – almost as co-therapists.
I’m going to check it out. It may take me until the spring to get my nerve up, but right now I’m making a public commitment that I WILL make an appointment with her. I WILL tackle this fear of mine. And I WILL overcome it.
Hold me to it, will you?
BEEattitude for Day #430:
Blessed are those who plant window boxes, for we shall pollinate their flowers with joyous abandon.
The teeny details:
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