I wonder if bees buzz around in the evening after dark, recounting tales of what they did during the day, of how they found a new nectar source or drove a mouse from the hive, how they battled raindrops and survived by hiding under a Hosta leaf, or how they capped the latest batch of honey.
Chances are slim that they’d spend time telling war stories. That seems to be reserved for humans.
As I write this blog post, at 10:30 on Saturday evening, I just finished watching Mrs. Miniver, a 1942 movie starring Greer Garson and Walter Pigeon.
It’s a story of the power of common people to rise above the horrors of war. It was written while a war still raged throughout Europe and the Pacific. I could remember my mother talking about it and what an inspiring movie it was. That alone (my mother’s recommendation, that is) was enough to keep me from watching it for many years.
But then I got curious and ordered it from Netflix. I’m glad I did. For once, I can say my mama was right. I’m not sure how calm I’d be in a bomb shelter. I’m not sure how I’d face up to the loss of a family member. I’m not sure how I’d respond if my boat were required for another rescue at Dunkirk.
The value of a good movie is that it gives us a chance to ask those questions. And to pray that the need never arises to answer them.
BEEattitude for Day #558:
Blessed are those who protect the hive, for they shall help a new generation of bees grow and flourish.
Earth Day - Help Our Mother
The teeny details:
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