I just heard from Rob Alexander, the man who is caring for my bees. He said he plans to start drawing honey around the first of June. So -- you and I have something to look forward to:
- I get to figure out how to handle fresh honey, and
- You get to read about it!
Hope that surgery schedule doesn’t interfere with my honey collection ...
I guess my bees are doing pretty well, which is good to know. I was looking out at the back deck yesterday -- actually, I look out there every day -- and stood there wondering how my bees are getting through this wonderful nectar season.
Then, just as I was getting misty-eyed, a sweet little honeybee flew past the window, right at my eye level, and I felt darn good.
I know all the bees that were here in my hives and then were moved elsewhere have lived through their life-cycle, but I’d like to hope that a little bit of Harbour House lives on in their descendants -- the ones who are making the honey that will end up back here at Harbour House.
BEEattitude for Day #566:
Blessed are those who truly care for us honeybees, for we shall surprise them occasionally with a flyby when it's least expected.
The teeny details:
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I'll bet that little fuzzie that flew by was one that was coming back by to say Howdy! Just like one of my my kittehs here at the office - Spooky - that was gone for a few months and came back last Thursday for breakfast and has been back here ever since - all God's creatures know 'home' and will eventually come back where they were loved & appreciated! I'm anxious to see how the honey is collected.
I hope I'm around for the honey collection. Depending on when the surgery is, I may have to have someone else take pictures.
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