© Yelloideas Photography |
Some entries were thoughtful, some informative; some were silly, others were sad. I never worried very much about what to say, though. After all, there was always going to be another day. Another day to be wiser. Another day to be better informed. Another day to shine. I'm a writer. I can always write. Right?

I feel like I’ve already said it all. When you read this blog, you see me as I am. You know a great deal about my life--not just what’s been happening for the past almost two years, but how my life has been shaped by the forces of history, of habit, of whimsy.
I hope you’ve learned not only a great deal about bees, but a great deal about life itself, and I hope you realize, as I do, that there need never be an end to the learning.
I leave you now, trusting that you’ll keep in touch. It’s easy to do: just go to the CONTACT tab on my website. While you're there, sign up for my new blog/newsletter and find out about my next adventures.
And now,
- If you’ve been with me from the beginning of the BeesKneesBeekeeping Blog, I give you my deepest thanks.
- If you came in somewhere around the middle, I’m glad you joined the parade, and I encourage you to browse through the archives.
- If you’ve been an occasional drop-in visitor to the blog, I do hope you’ve enjoyed your time(s) here.
- If you've left comments, I'd like you to know I've thoroughly enjoyed our conversations.
"The bees and I are whispering goodbye..."
BEEattitude for Day #600:
Blessed are those who gather nectar when they say they will, for they shall collect rich yellow pollen along the way, and shall enrich the hive.
The teeny details:
my books: Please buy them from an independent bookstore or directly from my website.
my eBooks: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=Fran+Stewart