Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day #337

Tuesday evening at the meeting for the Beekeepers Club of Gwinnett County, I sold off some of my equipment, and was happy to see it go to people who were enthusiastic about getting it.

The speaker at the meeting, Virginia Webb of told us about her honey business, and encouraged those of us who would actually be getting honey to be proud to market it.

One thing she pointed out is that local honey is – right from the very start – made in America. Every single product used in beekeeping comes from this country. From the special clothing to the hive components to the bottling equipment to the labels on the jars – all of it is made in the USA.

Honey sold on supermarket shelves (unless it’s in a special rack of local honey) is often bottled from “syrup” shipped in from China that is made of 50% processed, heated, pesticide-laden honey and 50% corn syrup.

Not our local honey! Good stuff. Absolutely dependable. Made in the USA.

Be patriotic – buy local honey.

p.s. At the end of the meeting, I taught everyone there how to use an epi pen. You already know how, since you read my blog a few days ago.

BEEattitude for Day # 337:
       Blessed are those who appreciate us bees for the work we do, for they shall taste only the best.

Only 16 More Days to Get Your Dog in My Next Book!
From now through the end of September, anyone who donates $10 to WAG, also known as the Walton Animal Guild, will be automatically entered in a drawing.
If you win, your dog will be in my next Biscuit McKee mystery!
The donate button is right on their home page
Every $10 donation is automatically entered in the drawing

See Blog #324 for the details.

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