Remember way back this past March (Day #157) when I planted those seed potatoes in an old plastic garbage can on my back deck?
It worked! The plants grew up over the summer (and probably were pollinated by my own bees). Well, harvest time has come. I just scrubbed off a few, and I’m planning to cook them for dinner tonight.
I thought you’d like to see what they look like. They're not very big -- that's a blue-ringed cereal bowl.
Are they just taters like any other taters? On the one hand, I guess I’d have to say yes. They're like any other good organic potato I could buy at a farmer's market.
But on the other hand, they’re mine, and that makes them special.
Bet they’re gonna taste delicious!
BEEattitude for Day # 345:
Blessed are those who relish the goodness of the earth, for they shall be constantly gratified.
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They look delicious! I'd never heard of this method before. What a great idea!
They were wonderful! The good thing about planting them in a garbage can is that I didn't have to worry about weeds and such. Of course, I did have quite a few great big ants who decided the bottom 8" of the can were designed just for them. But heck, I can share the room! I figure they were simply aerating the roots.
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