I worked the Beekeepers Club booth at the Gwinnett County Fair yesterday from 4:00 till 8:00. Answered a WHOLE LOT of questions about honey bees.
The queen bees in the two observation hives were quite cooperative, flouncing around where the children who visited the exhibit could find them easily. The white dot of paint on their thoraxes helped!
There were quite a few questions about the value of local honey. For the purposes of alleviating allergies, and honey that comes from within 50 miles of where you live is considered “local.” That is to say, the pollen and nectar from plants within such a radius are likely to have the sorts of properties you need to prevent or lessen allergies.
So, if you’re anywhere near the Gwinnett County Fairgrounds, come on by the beekeepers’ booth and buy yourself some honey from our good local bees. If you’re not going to make it to our fair, then find yourself a local farmers market—there’s bound to be good honey there.
Right now, there’s a biscuit with my name on it – and some good comb honey to spread on it ... Yum!
BEEattitude for Day # 344:
Blessed are those who support their local farmers, for we bees shall benefit from the success of those farmers.
From now through the end of September, anyone who donates $10 to WAG, also known as the Walton Animal Guild, will be automatically entered in a drawing.
If you win, your dog will be in my next Biscuit McKee mystery!
The donate button is right on their home page
Every $10 donation is automatically entered in the drawing
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