I spent Sunday afternoon with Julie Porath at her Wholesome Country Farm in Buford GA. What an amazing, enlightening experience.

Finally Julie took pity on me and my less-than-fancy phone. She took some pictures of me actually holding a sweet little hen (the tiny gray one - 2nd from the right in the left-hand photo). As soon as she sends them to me I’ll share them with you, but for now I had to spread the good news:
I’m not afraid of chickens anymore ! ! !
The funny thing is that the chickens haven’t changed a bit. They’re still just being chickens. I’m the one who had a change of heart – and it’s all based on education. I was afraid of those birds when I didn’t really know them.
Now that I’ve met some real live chickens, accompanied by a person who was understanding of my fears, I can see how silly I’ve been all these years, carrying around a vision of hens as bloodthirsty harridans.

And, look what I brought home with me!
BEEattitude for Day # 293:
Blessed are those who help others to grow, for they shall rest in the knowledge that they have made the world a better place._______________________________
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