It’s amazing what a little sugar water will do for a starving colony. I’m not talking about how people run in the door and yell, “What’s for dinner? I’m starving!”
I’m talking about 60,000 bees too exhausted and depleted even to buzz when I opened their lid. That was last week, though. After 7 days of sugar water feeding (I went through an entire 10-pound bag of sugar), the queen has started laying again, and the bees are happy and buzzy once more.
Thanks to my beekeeping mentor Tommy Bailey for helping me with my hives. He came over Wednesday afternoon and took both hives apart, teaching me what to look for, and why.
He said the places where the bees had bridged the space between two of the frames was okay for now. We saw eggs, larvae in all different stages, and capped brood where more babies will be hatching. I watched several babies clamber out of the cells they’d matured in – that was so absolutely amazing I could have cried.

When it was all over, I brought the super back inside. No comb on it at all yet. I'll put it back in next spring.
BEEattitude for Day # 317:
Blessed are those who keep going in spite of discouragement, for they shall be pleasantly surprised.
The sugar water worked on those sweet fuzzies! And so sorry to hear about your sting - have been home sick with bronchitis for 2 days and haven't been at my computer until this afternoon. Hope your leg gets better.
Thank you, Petie! Yes, my leg is getting better each day. Sorry to hear about your bronchitis -- I'll see it simply fading away and leaving your throat clear and content.
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