Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day #145 Bartow County Library System

I can’t just sit around here at home every day, writing my mysteries and planning for the bees. Once in a while I have to drive to a library to meet folks. That’s what I did yesterday. Colleen Knight, from the Bartow County Library System, invited me (and a dozen other area writers) to a “Meet the Authors” afternoon.

NPR’s “Car Talk” kept me laughing on my drive up there. I avoided the wreck on I-75 (and the resulting standstill traffic) by getting off at an earlier exit and winding through some gorgeous countryside.

There were plenty of nice people to talk to at the event. Writers really appreciate readers, and I love hearing the stories people tell of how books have influenced their lives.

I drove home safely, even though there was a pounding rainstorm all the way.

All in all a satisfying jaunt. Maybe by next year I’ll have an observation hive I can take along with me. Did I mention that Biscuit’s husband Bob is going to start beekeeping in my next mystery?

BEEattitude for Day # 145:
       Blessed are the librarians, for they keep the light burning for future generations.

What Fran is grateful for right now:
       The people who stopped to talk, and those who bought books, too.    

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