While I was uploading my newest book, VIOLET AS AN AMETHYST, to turn it into an eBook, I got to wondering about that quote from Albert Einstein that I featured last month in one of my posts.
If we judged honey bees on their ability to read human texts, those poor little critters would fail miserably. But if we judged humans on their ability to read the nectar content of flowers – guess who the losers would be? That’s right. All of us two-legged creatures.
Even though I read of number of draft chapters to my honeybees as I sat writing on my back deck, I doubt they appreciated the content. A number of them checked out my pencil, walked across my spiral bound notebook, and flew around my brain as it spewed words forth onto the page.

But, try as I might, I can’t read what my girls are thinking as they delve into the 5"-wide blossoms of the Confederate Roses (just about the last plant blooming in my yard this fall).
Incidentally, did you know the Confederate Rose is named after Rose O’Neal Greenhow, who was a spy during the War Between the States? Just one of those strange facts I pick up here and there.
At any rate, the point I’m trying to make is that I couldn’t make any type of rose bloom or extract the nectar from it and create honey. Better not compare myself to bees or I’ll get an inferiority complex – just like Einstein’s fish.
BEEattitude for Day # 405:
Blessed are those who learn new skills and maintain old skills, for they shall face life with confidence.
The teeny details:
Nov. 26 Wellspring Treasures, Kennesaw GA 1-4 p.m.
Dec. 3 Books for Less, Buford GA 1-3 p.m.
Dec. 10 Peerless Bookstore, Alpharetta GA 2-4 p.m. OFFICIAL BOOK LAUNCH for VIOLET AS AN AMETHYST
my books: http://www.franstewart.com Please buy them from an independent bookstore or directly from my website.
my eBooks for Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=Fran+Stewart
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