Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day #462 Comet Lovejoy

Dec 25, 2011 by Wayne England

From Australia to the stars. You see, we’re not really leaving Australia yet, because this story from NASA Science News contains a photo of Comet Lovejoy that was taken from -- would you believe it -- Poocher Swamp in South Australia.

As fascinated as I am with the story of the comet, I was equally intrigued by the name of the swamp, so I went online to find out about it and found this fascinating tidbit on Wikipedia:
Once owned by Dalton Staude, Poocher Swamp was sold to the Australian Parks and Wildlife Service for a recreation area and is now a favourite spot for pickincking, boating, fishing, yabbying and canoeing.
I get the part about pickincking (typos happen), but what, I ask you is yabbying?
If you find out …
Oh dear, that phrase reminds me of a gentleman I met in the London tube station long ago. I was trying to get from where I was to another subway station on  different line, and the map of the subway showed that there was an underground walkway between the two. I couldn’t find this end of it, though. I walked up to this man, who, in a gray three-piece suit, with a bowler hat in one hand and an umbrella over his arm, looked the epitome of London gentlemanliness. 
I explained what my problem was. “Could you tell me how I get from here to,” I pointed to the map, “to there?” He looked at my map, sighed, and said, “Madam, I have lived in London for all of my 63 years, and I have never known how to get from here to there. If you find the answer, do let me know.” At which point he stepped into a subway car and was swept away.
I finally found the way, but he was gone.
BEEattitude for Day #462:
       Blessed are those who ask, for they shall--eventually--get answers.
The teeny details:
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AggiePete said...

What a fantastic story about the kindly Englishman! And the photo of the comet is awesome. Every time there is a meteor shower, Billy & I will try to see it - breathtaking.

Fran Stewart said...

Glad you enjoyed the story about my very proper Englishman. I wish I could have duplicated his rich bass voice for you. Who would think a blog about beekeeping would range to such far topics!