Well, it’s official. The bees have been collecting pollen here in the metro Atlanta area. The reports are that it’s yellow, red, and sort of a bright orange.

The birds are certainly going through mealworms like crazy, which means they’re thinking about nesting and egg-laying.
Even though it’s hard to believe, spring is on its way.
I remember that first bright, light spring green. I was first aware of it when I lived in Vermont. After a long, hard winter, suddenly there was one magical day when a wisp of green hovered in the tree branches.
I don’t see that so much here in Georgia. Spring is still a magical time, but not quite the same as it was up north. Here Spring oozes up on you; it Vermont it springs forth. Maybe it’s just that we longed for Spring a lot more when the weather had been dropping below freezing on a regular basis.
BEEattitude for Day #492:
Blessed are those who appreciate all the seasons, for they shall be aware of life, and life shall surprise them beautifully.
The teeny details:
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