It’s turned out to be a favorite of the bees, too, with its airy yellow blooms. There are three of my bees and a couple of darker neighborhood bees on this branch. Bumble bees like the flowers too.
And the birds planted a whole patch of sunflowers from leftover seeds they dropped. Here’s one sporting a Bumble bee and a couple of buzzy little friends.
Three or four years ago, a neighbor said they were taking out a bunch of flowers – did I want any? Sure! So I now have a patch of triple-fringed daylily that the bees have been visiting religiously. There are four bees on this one, even though all you can see is the big guy.

By the way, did you hear about the canary that caught a case of the chirpies? The vet said it was
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BEEattitude for Day # 261:
Blessed are those who see the beauty in cast-offs, for they shall discover wonders.
The teeny details:
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