a. have a vegetable garden
b. buy food at farmer’s markets, and
c. who conserve water as much as possible.I made two out of three on that list.
If you recall those blogposts of mine months ago where I gushed on and on about the vaggie garden I was putting in for the bees and for me—fresh lettuce! great beets! crunchy carrots! zesty radishes!--you’ll probably assume that item a is high on my list of priorities.
My garden, other than a whole bunch of fresh lettuce early in the spring, has been a dismal failure, though. I think it’s time to admit it.
I’m okay with shrubs and trees and perennials, as long as they don’t have to be pruned, fiddled with, or cosseted.
I’m reminded of a garden I started in Vermont way back in what seems like another lifetime. My dad could grow a garden anywhere, and I’ve always had this feeling that I ought to be able to as well. One of my dismal failures in Vermont was cucumbers. I don’t to this day know what I did wrong. I only know that a patient at the family dental practice where I worked at the time was bemoaning his garden’s lack of success. “Thank God for cucumbers,” he said. “Of course, any fool can grow cucumbers.”
This fool couldn’t, but I didn’t admit it to him.

I do have one ongoing gardening success. I planted five Kentucky Wonder bean seeds in the early spring. Three of them came up. Now, each morning, I step outside my front door and harvest five or six beans, which is just enough for me to cook in my oatmeal or mix into my scrambled eggs.
And speaking of eggs, my neighbor Janet, the one who bakes such wonderful bread, gave me eggs from her sister’s hens. Some of them were blue, and here’s the picture to prove it.
Next year (except for the lettuce and the green beans), I’m planting buckwheat. The bees will love the flowers, and I’ll love the honey they make from it. I hope it grows better than those cucumbers.
BEEattitude for Day # 259:
Blessed are those who know how to do what they do and who do it well, for they shall be recompensed accordingly._______________________________
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