Yesterday I opened both hives to see how much comb the bees had built in the honey supers.
None. Nada. Nuttin. Nope.

Still, there’s always been that glimmer of hope. Why else would I order a honey-filtering kit from Brushy Mountain Bee Farm? Why else would I invest on all those unassembled super frames? Why else would I start an Excel spreadsheet of people to give honey to? Why else would I have TWO SHELVES of glass jars stockpiled in my garage?
Why indeed?

Yes – I’ll feel happy about that. But I’m feeling sad about the honey I won’t have for me and for you.

BEEattitude for Day # 256:
Blessed are those who change course when circumstances require it. We bees do that, and we eventually find very good flowers as a result._______________________________
The teeny details:
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All your hard work will certainly pay off in the long run. We are all behind you 100% and will continue to follow the little 'fuzzies' and their mom's adventures daily - that's what friends are for!
Thank you, Petie. It's nice not to feel alone in this!
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